'It is a sad reflection of our society when at times people are not willing to celebrate another who has made truly supportive changes for themselves. It exposes that whilst people may say they want a loving world, when it is actually reflected to them they choose to reject or even attack it in some way.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Rushing is great if you are being chased by a lion but not so if, for example, you are walking to the photocopier machine at work. If we are over-using our nervous system to get ordinary tasks done what impact will this have on our bodies long-term?' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When we are wanting to avoid responsibility we will choose to see only the part/s that we want to see. Although life doesn't work like this, life is whole and hence we are creating our own illusionary reality when we choose to see and deal with life in parts.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When we celebrate ourselves we give permission for others to celebrate themselves too. Hence if we hold back celebrating we inadvertently communicate to the whole world that it's ok to not celebrate too.' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'We cannot write off anything as 'just what I do' because everything has meaning and nothing means nothing. Even the smallest gesture communicates everything about how we live'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'It is easy to see that the world misses true play, given our heavy reliance on entertainment, food and other 'props' to keep us feeling 'happy''. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'How often do we assume something is fixed without taking into consideration all the choices we can make to change it?' - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'The purity of a person's natural expression is inspiring, for it comes untainted and definitely not needy in any way'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Let's learn from our mistakes so that the next generation doesn't have to repeat the same'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Bottling things up and just 'getting on with it' has never truly worked, the key is to open up and express how we truly feel'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Counselling or psychotherapy is never about indulging in an emotional issue, for once a person is 'in it' they have lost their ability to observe and therefore can no longer truly resolve it'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'Self-responsibility is key for those who truly want to deal with their issues'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'The 'real deal' is when a person responds with love even in the face of abuse'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
'When we negate our bodies many symptoms can arise seemingly unbeknownst to us, not because they are not there but because we have chosen to not be aware of them'. - Brendan Mooney Psychologist
Brendan mooney